University Education Under Islam

A Student made £1,000 a night as a high class escort to fund her master’s degree and is now ordered to pay £175,000 in tax from her earnings or face imprisonment. Her defendant said, “It is lamentable that any young woman should have to come to London and do this kind of work in order to support herself,” (Telegraph)

In the history of the democratic state, women were not allowed to educate themselves and now in the 21st century the cost of education has been priced so high that women can’t educate themselves. This reminded me of an example that is the polar opposite of this system. It was under the Islamic system where education for the international and even richest students was FREE!

In the year of 1028; King George II; the King of England sent the following message to Caliph Hisham III (Muslims’ Ruler) requesting permission to allow a mission of the royal princesses to study at the University of Cordoba (Famous Muslims’ University in Spain) The letter wrote:

“From George II, the King of England, Sweden and Norway to The Caliph of the Muslim Kingdom of Spain, His Majesty Hisham III:

With due respect, we heard of the great knowledge that inundated your educational institutions and industries in your prestigious country.

“We wish for our children to copy your modalities so that it would be a good start of following your footsteps of science enlightenment in our countries that are besieged by darkness of ignorance in all of their four corners. We put my niece Princess Dobant in charge of a mission of noble English girls to be honored to your crown in seeking your kind attention to learn under your great patronage and under the protection of your esteemed court for those are to be in charge of their education. With the young princess, we sent a small modest gift to your majesty hoping that you kindly accept it.

With respect and true affection,

Your obedient servant, George”

Caliph Hisham III replied:

“In the name of God, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful,

Grace be upon God,

May He bestow mercy upon his Prophet,

To the King of England, Sweden and Norway:

We read your request and we agreed after consultation with those concerned,

We wish to inform you that the expenditures of your mission will be at the expense of the Muslim treasury as a proof of our relationship with your Royal Self.

As to your gift, we over gladly accepted it.

In return, we are sending precious Andalusia handicrafts from the making of our people as a gift to you carrying with them the meaning of our attention and cordiality.

Salam, Caliph of God’s Messenger in the lands of Andalusia.” (Andalusia) was the Arabic name of Spain today.

Last but not least, the British Royal Princesses lived for years and for free and studied at the University of Cordoba (the most Famous Muslims’ University in Spain at that time); they were surrounded by all kinds of Generosity and Hospitality.

Is Islam Generous, peaceful and making good relations with the others or what?


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